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Lectio Divina: Encounter God Through Every Word

By Tripp Prince
May 28, 2024 2 min read

In our fast-paced world, finding moments of unhurried time with God in Scripture can be challenging. Or, when we do find time for Bible reading, our hearts and minds are scattered and we struggle to be present to the moment we're in, and more importantly, to the God who is near to us.

This is a challenge Christians in every age have encountered, and from the earliest days of the Church, Lectio Divina has been a beautiful practice of prayer that trains our hearts and lives to encounter God in intimate and transformative ways.

What is Lectio Divina?

Lectio Divina, or "Divine Reading," is a traditional Christian practice that dates back to the early church. Specifically, it is rooted in the Christian monastic tradition and was pioneered by the Desert Fathers and Mothers in the 3rd century, who sought a deeper relationship with God through solitude, contemplation, and spiritual reading. This method of prayer encourages believers to delve deeper into Scripture, merging study with meditation to invite an ongoing dialogue with God.

If you'd like to dive deeper into the origins and practice of Lectio Divina, we encourage you to listen to our audio introduction, taught by Anglican pastor Matthew Browne, available exclusively in the Dwell app.

The Lectio Divina Experience on Dwell

Dwell's Lectio Divina experiences offer a guided journey through this sacred practice. Our team of guides welcome you warmly, helping you still your heart and quiet your mind as you prepare to meet God in his Word.

During the experience, the guide will introduce a passage of Scripture that will be the focus for that session of Lectio. This will be followed by a repeated series of reading and meditating upon the passage, with space for a prayerful response and contemplation built in.

And, as with our other content offerings, a hallmark of a guided experience on Dwell is an original musical score, and Lectio Divina is no different! We've again partnered with the incredibly gifted Nathan de la Cruz, who scored the music for Dwell Daily and Breath Prayers, to create a beautiful musical companion to Lectio Divina that is customized for each individual experience.

Why Lectio Divina?

In our busy lives, our connection with God can sometimes feel distant. Lectio Divina offers a way to bridge that gap, turning even the briefest moments into profound opportunities for spiritual growth and reflection.

This practice also invites a greater awareness of God's constant presence. As you meditate on His Word, you are reminded that He is as close as the very words you speak and meditate on.

A Practice for Everyone

Lectio Divina is a time-tested and transformative Christian practice that has enriched the lives of countless believers throughout history, and is accessible to everyone today. By integrating this contemplative approach to Scripture into your prayer life, you open yourself up to deeper communion with God and a more profound understanding of His Word. So, why not give Lectio Divina a try?

Open Lectio Divina in Dwell 

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About the author

Tripp Prince

Tripp Prince is the Head of Formation at Dwell. He lives with his wife and three children in the countryside of north Georgia.